Stellar Solution (WIP)

A solutions Company Developed by my friend for contracting out to other companies and provide engineers for smaller companies to hire and develope new ideas.

Originally created to work with a company called Wicked sheets. where we are currently helping develope a blanket to detect moisture to be used in nursing homes. It has also expanded to other companies seeking any contracts we think would be interesting problems to solve.

Wicked Sheets We have helped with the development of a blanket that can detect moisture. Wicked sheets started with a prototype of a blanket using a moister sensor and a QTPY along with their custom designed blankets to detect moisture. We have since helped improve the design by making it more robust and adding in new technologies. We are currently adding new features like data aggregation and auto calibration. Along with a redesign of the electrical side of the blanket and making a custom PCB to use and connect with a new in house app.